In compliance with the provisions of art. 17 of Law 10/2006, of 17 July, on Subsidies of Cantabria in relation to art. 31 of Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, which approves the Regulations of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General on Subsidies and Law 1/2018, of 21 March, on Transparency in Public Activity.
Felipe Gómez-Ullate Fuente (Funfo Films), states that he has received from Sodercan the non-refundable aid or grant, with an intensity of 50.00%, for an amount of 2,011.90€ out of an eligible budget of 4,023.79€, as part of the programme SUPPORT FOR INVESTMENT IN THE AUDIOVISUAL AND COMMUNICATION INDUSTRY 2023.
The purpose for which the aid is granted is the acquisition of tangible fixed assets with a period of implementation between 10 August 2023 and 21 April 2024.
Felipe Gómez-Ullate Fuente, has not received any other aid or subsidies for the same objective or purpose.
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