We have experience in providing training and audiovisual workshops for children, young people and adults. In addition to participating in various talks and presentations related to the world of film and audiovisual creation. Nowadays there are many companies and institutions that trust us to develop training activities on audiovisual production.

From story to film" workshop

Second part of the workshop given at the Central Library of Cantabria. On this occasion, the students made a short film from the script developed in the first part of the workshop, participating as actors, camera operators, script, etc.

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Training at EOTL Cantabria

For several years now, the Escuela Oficial de Tiempo Libre de Cantabria has relied on our team to teach various courses on audiovisual resources for leisure time, as part of its annual training programme for teachers and staff involved in leisure and free time.

From Story to Film" Workshop

First part of the workshop given at the Central Library of Cantabria on how to adapt a literary story to different types of film scripts. 


Entreluces" workshop

Express short film workshop included in "Entreluces 2014": the municipal programme of alternative leisure for young people aged 12 and over that Torrelavega Town Council sets up every year. Its aim is to provide a quality leisure alternative for young people in the city.

Your film in a month" workshop


Together with Edy Asenjo, she was responsible for the I Workshop 'Your film in a month' which took place at the Espacio EA in Muriedas. As a result of this workshop, the short film Parterre was made, entirely by the students of the course.

"Don't cut yourself at La Central".


Responsible for the short film workshop at the Central Library of Cantabria. As a project of the FRUNFO FILMS workshop, together with the students, he made the short films Fatalidad and Mike Rose, which were premiered on 19 April 2012 at the Central Library.